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2. Worship

What is worship?

Is it prayer? Is it preaching? Is it Prophecy ? Is it Tongues? Is it singing ? Is it Jumping and speaking like oracles?

if not so, Then what is worship?

As definition it is, the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.

Based on the definition,It is an act of expressing reverence and love to god.
Yes, It is an act.

Lets look into what bible says about Worship. Romans 12:1  "I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship."

This is the definition of worship in bible.  Then Why/How you should submit? 

Romans 6:19 I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness.

Now tell me what type of worship you have

Does it means that, Long prayers?

Does it means that, Loud prayers?

Does it means that, Jumping, and running, murmuring in languages which is unknown to you itself and behaving like oracles?

Does it means that, Preaching word of god?

No, Worship is simply means, By bible and religions, It is an act of submitting...

In another words Just following the word of Jesus. 

Jumping,Clapping, singing,pricing, murmuring in languages which is unknown to you itself and behaving like oracles are the act of Fan's not worshipper.  You can see the similar act in the Movie theatre. Do you think that these people are worshipping those actors on the screen? No, You are calling them as Fan's rather than Worshipper. Then tell me what about worship? 

A worshipper is different from the  Fan's is, Fans are just love the actor, It might be his Style, It might be his character.. But None of them are not living according to His commandments. 

Many of us are, Might be including me, are like Fan's of Jesus. We love him, we expect and like eternal life but we will not obey his commandments. 

That's the reason why in 1 Samuel 15:22 God says that, But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

Look around, You can see religions are also worshipping their God. Do you think that they are worshipping their God as you are doing?

Ohh, You might say that, They are religions are we are separated from them and children of God.

Hay I am not telling that follow them, But they will define the real meaning of Worshipping. That's Obey the God..

They are worshipping their God by doing, What make their God happy..

And How we are worshipping? By Verbal praising? Some times Like Oracles?

Hay do you think that you prising will make God happy? There are lacks and lacks of angels in heaven, and they are full time praising Him.

I have seen Oracles in Many temples. Those are behaving like normal human being in whole days, until The spirit of gods comes in. Means If their Gods Spirit Got in, They start Jump, Laugh, Cry, Some times cowls like snake or act like horrible.

Many Days I have seen such an acts inside churches and Whole church including Priests support it by saying "Fire is moving here.". They are defining it is the act of holy spirit while anointing and Presence of God.

How can the spirit of Our God and  Spirit of Religions God have same nature? This thought leads me to study about Holy spirit and it nature. I will go though my understanding in Later.

Now we are discussing about Worship. Lets come back to there.

If you go to church with a religion friend, Do you know what he will tell yo about after worship?

Ohhh, Both Hindu gods are christian gods are same, Their behaviour is also same, But The only difference is Hindu gods are Red and Brown, Christian gods are Black and white. I hope pentecostal People understood what I meant.

Worship is very simple.. Just obey god.. Just do His will, Just follow his foot steps.It will make him happy.

Love him more than this world
Love and help your brother and neighbour
Feed someone who is in hungry
Give drink to someone who is in thirsty
Clothe some one who is in need of clothes
Ask forgiveness for you sins
Forgive your enemies
Love your enemies
Hate this world and welcome his world

....... None of other can save you from the hell. Worship your god by obedience...

                                              Prise The Lord


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