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Prayer, Worship, Holy Spirit And Anointing In Christian Life

Undoubtedly we can say that,  Faith, Prayer, Worship, Holy Spirit And Anointing are the back bones of christian life. After the time of apostles, the christian community fallen into the hands of POPE.

From the history, Since  2nd century, It seems that whole christian community deviated from the word of god and fell into the rules of Satan. Crusades and its intentions are underling this fact.

From the 19th century, We can see a rise up in christian spiritual life, Through the pentecostal movements. Now a days we can see many of servants are working for the word of god and lead them to earn many souls for Jesus Christ. It is very appreciable that, Now a days many youngsters are coming forward to spread the good news and saving the souls.

Mark 16:15-16

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 

We can see many of such gospel groups surrounding you. Many of them teach us differently even word of Jesus is same. I do not know why this happening. It is a funny fact that, even Christians haven't unity about Jesus and still we are preaching Jesus to nations.

Each of such groups have different opinion in Faith, Prayer, Worship, Holy Spirit And Anointing. This situation leads me to study about these.

Recently I have seen some worshipping videos. It force me to think about these subjects.  Finally I found that now a days Evangelism is become a business. There are lot of false preachers. They are teaching according to their business growth.  They are utilizing our illiteracy/unawareness about word of god.

Lets see some videos.

Recent incidents are reviling the same. So it is the time to analyse what are the facts that helping these false preachers to taking advantage of. I can see the modern christian communities really unaware of following subjects. These false preachers are taking advantage of these unawareness.

1. How to pray or What is prayer?

2. How/What is worship.
3. What/Why Holy Spirit and its purpose.
4. More than that, Why Should you be a Christian?

I am seeking answer for those questions from my limited knowledge of Bible.



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